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UKETS is developing a series of free online training videos to help facilitate endovascular simulation globally.
This remains a rapidly evolving process so please visit to see the latest video uploads.

“Using the simulator allowed me to try out a wide range of different guide catheters for a particular artery. I was able to see why different shapes worked better, helping me to choose the best guide for the job, first time. This just wouldn’t have been possible or fair on a real patient”

Dr. Alan Bagnall, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Freeman Hospital.

The target organ may be different, but the skills needed for vascular interventions are the same whether you’re a cardiologist, radiologist or vascular surgeon

– Dr. Alan Bagnall, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Freeman Hospital

Endovascular techniques have revolutionised our practice in surgery, cardiology and radiology. Technology continues to progress at an alarming rate. Patients with previously untreatable disease are increasingly finding their way to the endovascular practitioners procedure suite. Trainees must arm themselves with the necessary skill set to provide a safe and comprehensive service to their patients. Simulators are the perfect adjunct to hone these skills, correct mistakes and achieve competency before practicing on real patients.

High fidelity simulators are equipped with individual trainee log ins. Through this function, endovascular trainers can customise training programmes that are tailored to their trainees needs. This individualised approach is perfect for endovascular skills training, and comes at a distinct advantage to patients, who no longer act as our guinea pigs!

We have already seen the introduction of simulators into higher specialty recruitment assessments. A synthetic endovascular simulator is already being used in the European Board Of Surgery Qualification In Vascular Surgery (EBSQ-VASC) exam.

Simulation will take an increasing role in skills assessment, re-validation and competency assessment across all specialties including surgery, interventional radiology and cardiology. Simulator proficiency therefore has important influence on your training, progression and every day practice.


UKETS, UK Endovascular Trainees is part of VIR ThinkTank


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